actually i wanna post this post in the afternoon but something wrong happened to my modem.
it ain't work like usual. so i canceled my mind to post some new post.
but now my modem is working again. that's why i'm here writing new post !
aahh i'm a lil bit lazy to study for my tests tomorrow.
they are economic and geography tests.
my brain doesn't want to build a good cooperation with me. my brain told me to playing around and online not studying. but that's all i want also HAHAHA ;)
but now i'm starting to touch my books and preparations paper.
haven't reading yet but sure i will read it after i post this post. hahaha
time flies sooo fast this year.
it's getting closer to the end of the year.2011 is in front of my eyes already !
but i still can't satisfy my wish to have a glasses,i mean geek glasses or something like that.
i want that stuff badly! rawr !
i dunno why that glasses looks very cool in my eyes. when i see that glasses,it seems that they are calling my name and said "heyy,you must buy me !" LOL.
insane me. :))

this is pretty rite? if you are a kind person,please buy it for me. hahaha.
was joking only ;)
anyway that's all for today.
i have to study already. it's getting late at night.
c ya guys on the next post !
be blessed guys.
veve sign out :)
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