holas fellas (:
it's weekend ! and i'm enjoying my weekend today. HEHE.
not much activities that i did today but i just love this day. cauz i have my day without exam and sleep till i look like a piggy ;) awesome me,huh? hahaha..
i spent my whole day by sitting in front of my laptop and browsing for something new while waiting for my friends came to my house. they are karunia,mega n nadia.we had a plan to take photo shoot in my house. *acting like we are a professional photographer and model. LOLing :D
we took a bunch of pictures.some of them are good. i will show it to you.
and we also ordered kfc for our lunch. we were using delivery service and it only took a couple of minute. quite fast for delivery service. anw thanks bcauz it's taste good! hahaha.
and then after that we watched some funny videos,laughing each other and bla bla bla. i forgot :|
ahh keep going lah on my story :)
i'm still having my odd semesteral examination.. ain't over yet :( it will last until wednesday. it looks like 1 century again for me ! ohh lame me ;) last 3 subjects are economics,geography and sociology. W i s h me LUCK, guys.ohh i'm so excited i got 93 at religion and 83 at math tests ! yoOhoo. quite good lah at least i didn't get bad scores. i will keep improving ! :D thanks God for Your blessings :)
thats all for today!
this are some pictures that i would like to share to u.
let this pictures tell the story of us.
the story of happiness.fun.friendship.life.joy
oops i'm sorry i couldn't upload all the photos. it took a lot of time and the internet are so LAME == some error happened when i was uploading the pictures. i HATE that ! D:
it's 2 am already! i must sleep now ;)
too much time for blogging..
c ya guys on my next post..
less than 3 ;)
veve sign out ! :D

and this are picture of me :D

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