HAPPILY now i am home and i can get myself relax after one whole spending my time outside my house. today was tiring day ! obviously i'm really tired. hufft. . .
but that's okay as long i am enjoying my activities. HEHE
ermm today was the last day of family day! yiiipiie ! xD
our stand today sold takoyaki and some drinks. we got a lot of costumers today and earned quite much profit from our stand. at least better than the first day of family day. HEHE
i think this family day was quite boring. errh truly boring ! oops x)
why i said so?
the performance from students were really monotone. they keep singing all day long ! and seems they din care to the audience at all. the songs were boring. ==sorry guys i had to tell what is according to me :D
but it let it be. it's over already. HAHAHAHA
hey got some pictures to share about our family day. let all this pictures tell it's own story ;)
this is our takoyaki ! :)
sweeties JELLIES !
around 10 a.m, i decided to left my school cauz there were nothing to do anymore. but i din go home ;) i followed my fren, mega to pick up her family at airport from singapore. after that we went to have our meal at Pondok Nelayan.
you know, guys. errm i spend some amazement at Sophia jie" and Philo ge".. dunno why i just love their style. :D this is the picture of them !
Philo ge" with dwityy ! :)
according to me :
Sophia jie" is kind, pretty, friendly, has a great smile, mature, chic, tall. . i love the way she is talking and her dress style. simple but awesome ! tee hee :)
and Philo ge" is tall, handsome, cool, humane, smart, kind, friendly, talented. . as i know that he can play guitar very well. i love a boy who can play guitar well. they looks very cool with that style. and one more things i heart his hairstyle. he looks very charming with that hairstyle :)
both of them are epic ! :D a BIG compliments from me to both of u.
after we had our meal, we went to Ratu Textile. i did nothing there. HEHE
Ahh enough enough about my activities for today. my mind had gone into blankness! dunno what to say again. NYAHAHAHA. am i freak? #iadmitthat -__-
keep going on next topic !
my new cousin was born on monday ! his name is Vincent.
he is really cute and charming :) i called him an angel sent from above ! HEHE
i hope he will be a nice boy and may God bless you ya :)
i decided from now on, if i post new post on my blog, i will share some quotes at the end of my post.
maybe a quotes about wisdom,love,life or whatever. cauz i just love quotesx)
sometimes it encourage me and may it be useful for another people who read it also. hahaha. keiz that's all for now.
leaving this post soon.
stay cool ♥ stay calm ♥ positive thinking ♥ be yourself
Veve sign out ! c ya !
may God be always with you :)

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