olleh ! or H E L LO :)
sorry for being invisible for these few days. It has been quite some time since I was blogging last time. i should stay away from my blog cauz i'm having a lot of mess to be cleaned such as like school and school and school. HAHAHA. now i'm having my mid semestral examination. and today was the third day. will be having this examination till next week. hufft. i'm stealing some of my study time to post some new post today.
I'm happy with my excruciatingly blissful life right now cauz today is my independence day! ya today is my birthday. i'm no longer 15 anymore but i'm 16. still young mah and i will be forever young ! HAHA though my life is all packed and hectic enough but then I am so grateful cauz I have JESUS who has provided this special day and lovely friends for me to breathe on :)
no one in my house realize that today is my birthday. life is just acted like normal or even worse. it's true and it's hurts me deeply inside myself. and some of my friends that i expect they will remember my birthday but the fact they aren't. forget about it. i'm fine.
let's talk about another topic ! :D
i didn't make any 16 wishes for my birthday. but i do wish all good things happens right before my eyes and for everyone goodness. HEHE. i would like to say THANK YOU for every single person who remember my birthday. and really appreciate those wishes. having all the people who remember my birthday day is just soo sweet. frankly i'm so touched :') special thanks to VANIA, my cute partner ! :P i really appreciate her greetings cauz she was the only one who greeted me exactly 00.00 a.m through twitter. i love you,unyuu :P
without reducing any gratitude, once more MERCI everyone. je t'aime ♥
ohh! i almost forgot that today my friends tricked on me ! they poured water to me and gave me some stroke to my hand and face. i'm all wet and dirty after i went back from school but that was fun. this is the reason why i should be happy on my birthday cauz i have totally an awesome friends in my life. thanks for giving some smile and laughter appear in my face today. i think i will make some revenge to my friends who had tricked me today on their birthday ! HAHAHA *evil mind*

i think that's all for today.
cheers everyone !
criticisms and compliments are allowed in this blog. feel free to drop what is inside your mind about this blog
last before i end this post is joyeux anniversaire for me! :D
and happy un-birthday to those who don't have their birthday today !
and happy un-birthday to those who don't have their birthday today !
have a blast on your day

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