please tell me what should i do now?
tell why do you destroyed this friendship. i thought we are bestfriends.
for i know that FRIENDS means
[F]ight for you.
[R]espect you.
[I]nclude you.
[E]ncourage you.
[N]eed you.
[D]eserve you.
[S]tand by you.
and i feels like hundreds of knives strike to me and i'm falling into pieces. never appeared in my mind that you have changed and will never be the same. i'm wondering in my mind can i reformat you to the past you?
i'd rather be a stupid instead of losing a friend like you.
you're leaving and explaining nothing to me. this is not all i want. everything happens with a reason behind it and what is your reason? tell me.
maybe i'm nothing to you and i just need to back off from your life so that you can living your life without me.
can you smile for ur decision? ya smile.
you hope for this. you want for this.
if you decided this decision,promise me that you will be happy.
this the end. the final.
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