and my bad is i loves to procrastinate. oops!
right now i would like to share something that happened about 2 weeks ago. i got some accident. i fell from my motorbike and suffered from injuries. i couldn't walk properly and all i can fell is only pain. everyday.
but luckily my injuries recovered quite fast although i can still feel some pain on my right leg.
hmmph how's life everybody? mine is full of school stuffs. sometimes i stressed up. I NEED FRESH AIR D:
school comes with many new rules and teachers are getting weird (?)
ugh i lost my spirit for schooling. HEHE
so let us proceed, forget about school. meh.
yesterday, i had some spare time and i decided to have some CAMWHORING.
for i seldom used my camera anymore. due to too many activities.
and the masterpiece from all the photos is ...

okay that barbie is still alive. her head is just fine. and i'm normal.
so goodbye to this post. i'll end it here ;)
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"DREAMS are reality waiting to happen" - Nick Jonas
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