as what i said in my previous post, i will be back in another post and i'm keeping my promise,rite? i'm back for i know you guys are missing me. same here ! i miss typing in my blog not you. HAHAHA ! joking lerh.
what i love bout typing in this blog is i can practice my english language. as i know i'm not expert at this language but i'll keep trying and hoping that one day i will have my english better and better :)
what i love bout typing in this blog is i can practice my english language. as i know i'm not expert at this language but i'll keep trying and hoping that one day i will have my english better and better :)
i'm so excited to know that today weekend greet me again. after i got so many distress this full week. ya for the same reason, i have to say school is getting worse. 1 week full of tests ! they are evil to me. but i don't hate the lessons at my school. i mean i do love lessons where i can get so many new things that i had never knew. but i hate when lessons is packed in the form of exam. HAHA
1 more reason why i'm so excited is to know that chinese new year is getting closer. woohoo ! but school only give me 5 days break from school. ah i should thank God for this anyway. no complain again :D
errh. . . this week is quite tough for me. not only because i got so many exams but i got so many problems also. i keep arguing inside me. and sometimes i forced a smile. ya i fake a smile. you can call me a liar when i'm saying that i'm fine instead i'm not. i admit that i do photoshop in my life. hiding my sadness and drop some smile in my face. when everything seems to be wrong and i'm all alone with myself, i don't want to blame anybody. i'm just thinking that maybe i'm the reason why this is happening. there are a lot of things that i fear to. but i know that what i fear will happen so i keep be open-minded and throw away my hesitancy.
oh yeah, i wanna show you my favorite picture for today. today i play with my camera again. cauz i got ideas to take picture with stuffs around me. this is random picture i think. note : before you see this picture is be POSITIVE THINKING oo :)

yeehaa. i gave u my middle finger. HAHAHA. i think middle finger is not completely mean bad. you see i can make my middle finger into cute-related-stuffs. i guess so ;)
the fact is i give you smiley face,rite?
that's all for today. i'm running of topics. we will meet again on another post. soon :)
c ya around. keep your spirit on ! criticisms and compliments are allowed in this blog. feel free to drop what is inside your mind about this blog.
-veve sign out-