OH MY ! it's been a long time ago since my last update. sorry, i was drowning with my school stuffs. and today i got some free time to spend my time with my blog. weehoo !
First of all, hello guys :) great day,huh?
so today's topic is about my sweeties. i do collect things that has a relation with EIFFEL. i'm seriously in love with france especially paris where eiffel tower is located.
nah i will share some pics of my collection.

this is my eiffel miniature. it's only 15 cm tall. looks cute in that size. hahaha. i bought this with discount. lucky me. but still it drained my money quite much :P
this is my tumbler. see the pic? i got eiffel tower inside :D but i seldom use it. HEHE
my only one bracelet ! ♥ i remembered that i must begged to my mother so she allowed me to own this bracelet. HAHA
here are my notebooks ! i din use it cauz i'm not the type of person who love to write. but accidentally i bought this notebooks. wasting money? yes but how can i endure this awesome things ! :P
oh here my pencilcase. the one with blue colour is made in france. HAHA
my eiffel necklace. my besties bought it for me on my birthday. for they know i love eiffel so much . once again, THANK YOU ツ

this is a box with magical things inside it. lol. you can find stickers and mini postcards of france inside it. my cousin told me about this and without second thinking, i bought it :D
spot the eiffel tower there ! ya there you find it.
EIFFEL TOWER KEYCHAIN !! this is not mine, my friend's. but i borrow it from her. and will never give her back. oh such a thief. teehee~
my storing coin box. it's just a simple coin box but what i love is the background of the coin box.
really lovely !
so, thats all about my collection. i wish i had more than this. HEHE
i should say goodbye.
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