my internet connection din work at all. and i don't even know whats wrong with it. and i feel like living in the jungle with no one around. hufth but luckily now i can online and got my blog updated. got so many stuffs to tell and i don't know where to start first. HEHE :)
hmmph. . .on 17th June, i got my report from school. and now i'm ELEVENTH grader ! you know what i mean,rite? :D i got all my scores passed and i got an outstanding achievement for best in computer. it's like a dream for me because i never expect that i will get this achievement. and i'm so happy that i can make my parents proud of me. thanks God for this, i should study harder for the next grade. but i feel a lil bit sad to know that i'm no longer 10 grader. i'm gonna miss my 10E class and every person from 10E. sometimes i feel like i don't want to move on to another grade. honestly i miss my class. and i'm wondering why is it that the day I miss school is the day where everything happens and do you know that what I hate about going to another year that i might not be in the same class as the one i yearn to be with. walao so complicated ya. :)
one of my friend, my korean friend moved to jakarta also to continue his school. his name is SeoJin. for me, he is one of my good friend although i seldom talked to him but i know he is a good person.
WAH at last thank you to all my friends for this awesome grade 10. i hope we will be in the same class again ya in grade 11. everybody hwaiting for i know grade 11 is so tough :)
seojin is the tallest one. third from left :D
another interesting experience is when i attended camp for primary school children. i'm the one who helped the sunday school teacher by becoming kinda like an elder member maybe for children in my group. fyi, i don't know how to explain what is my position. okay just continue it okay? hahaha. i was put at 'ramah' group. in english we called ramah as 'friendly' :) for me this is an unforgettable moment. i learned so much from this. and i'm so happy i met so many good children. they are all cute and amazing. i hope i can meet them again especially children from my group. waah i miss them damn much. they always treated me well, shared some stories with me, greeted me everytime they met me, smiled to me. i pray that their life will always stick with
God and may God bless them with His love. and keep shining in God ya, my children :D
eh? i wanna introduce my great children to you.
i hardly can remember all their name. i only remember some. oh my bad :(
the names that i remember are graciela, vila, judith, angelina, tiffany, verika, leora. i forgot one name of the girl but i do remember their face. face of innocent children :P they are all talkative. but i like them. they made me feel so special when i'm with them.
when it comes to remember names of the boys at my group. i only can remember sendy, erick, juan, ronald, and vovo. it's getting worse. between them, i often talk to sendy. he likes to bully me everytime i met him. he is clumsy and funny. he always made some jokes for me but actually the one that makes me laugh is his face and style not his joke. HAHA.
this is sendy. i miss him. HAHA
and this is erick :)
here are some pics that i took before the camp was over.

this is sendy. i miss him. HAHA
and this is erick :)
here are some pics that i took before the camp was over.

oh ya almost forgot about my partner in my group. he is benny. he is my senior and i don't even realized it after he told me that he ever met me at my school. for me he is a lil bit awkward but actually he is fun. now he will continue studying in surabaya. good luck for you ya, senior ! :)
thats the end of my post. i'm running of topics. i hope that i delivered my stories in a good way.
i will off for vacation ! and i must stay away from my blog for couple of days.
don't miss me for i know you will !
stay tune on my next post.
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