it means no activities ! but BORING. ==
dunno wad to do.
all i can do is only sitting in front of laptop playing around with internet and now i decided to post a new post in my blog.
heelloo everbody!
i'm having holiday from yesterday bcauz teachers in my school is having seminary from yesterday.
i'm wondering why don't teachers attend seminary everyday so that we will have freedom from school forever ! tee hee ~
ohh thats not a good idea. lol
this morning i woke up at 10 a.m.
sleepy head, huh?!
very tired lorh cauz i slept at 1 a.m. hehe xD
that's my bad habit! don't try this at home.
i got some new pictures by the way..
i took and edit it by myself.
i will show it to u but only some :P

taa daaa~
wad do u think ha?
i know this is great ! TY TY ;))
*erhh i'm super duper hyper confident. WKAKA
i still have many pics but i only show u some.
SORRY :( :(
*backsong suju-sorry2
okay that's all for today.
i wanna watch new dvd that i got yesterday.
it will be fun :)
byeee my dearest friends !
have a great time.
dunt miss me so after i post this post.