holla! yeah i know that i've been gone for so long.
well, i can't believe that high school is just so much better in movies but in real life?
duh! a BIG NO
in less than 2 months, i will be facing my national examination. can you imagine it? and before the national examination, still teachers do not give up to torture us by giving us tasks, tests and whatever.
i'm very berry perry tired -,- like seriously. but i have to score for my finals cause i wanna make my parents proud of me hehe. perhaps this is my random wish. yep
by the way, i'm so happy that finally i got my long hair back after waiting for so long. i've missed my long hair since i cut it about 2 years ago. i din regret for having short hair. at least i've already tried it. however i prefer long hair. i feel better with long hair. hahaha!
so a few days ago i took photos with my long hair and i decided to use one of my photo for replacing my old banner :P
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"it's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see"