Seeking for love, the only love that can fill my whole life.
peering upward. you are not there.
cast down and still can't find you
turn right and left. where are you? why you keep hiding from me?

look forward and ...
aww there you are ! you are right in front of me.
aww there you are ! you are right in front of me.
at last i found you.
lemme be yours and you be mine.
never-ending love :)
that's a very short love story, huh? and looks horrible. i can't be a good story-teller. even far from it. HAHA
today is the last day in april. will have may about 1 hour again. so goodbye april.
just now i found a short story when i online. it's kinda cute story and heart-touching.
i will share it to you.
One day, LOVE and FRIENDSHIP met. they had some conversation and love asked to friendship.
"why do you exist if i already exist?"
and frienship replied, "to put smile after you leave tears."
love get confused and decided to ask back to friendship
"well if that's what you do, why people are still crying?"
"unfortunately,that's my fault. instead of doing my job, i end up doing yours"
now, gotta end up my post. my mind got paralyzed. don't know what to say again.
veve sign out
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